Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink
2 months old and first photo session

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 7, 2010- Ansley Faith enters this world!

Ansley Faith Kelley was welcomed in to this world on June 7, 2010 at 9:07p.m. via emergency cesarean section. She weighed 1 lb, 11 oz. and was born at UAMS in Little Rock. Jason and I wanted to start a blog to keep our friends and family updated on Ansley's progress and growth. Her birth was definitely unexpected, as she was born at 28 weeks gestation. The few weeks prior to her birth were filled with numerous hospital stays, bed rest, and lots of prayers from friends/ family.

Here is what lead up to her birth: I had been to this hospital for 2 weekends in a row due to unexplained bleeding. We had numerous ultra sounds and were told that my placenta was 'low lying' and that bleeding was to be expected. On Memorial Day I woke up, and bled significantly and was taken to this hospital via ambulance that morning. I was kept at St. Edwards in Fort Smith for observation. On Tuesday, I was still in the hospital and my blood pressure started elevating unexpectedly. From Tuesday thru Friday I was on strict bed rest, and my blood pressure still was not under control. Friday morning my doctor at St. Edwards made the decision to airlift me to UAMS due to preeclampsia. I arrived at UAMS and was put on magnesium via IV to prevent seizures and they monitored by blood pressure continually. It got better on Sunday and I was moved to the Ante Partum floor for yet more observation. Jason returned back to Fort Smith because they said it could be days, it could be weeks until Ansley arrived. Six hours later, my blood pressure kept creeping up and they said it was "go time" and that I was being induced, Jason rushed back to UAMS to be by my side. They wanted to deliver her naturally, and gave be pitocin to induce my labor. I was in labor for 7-10 hours before I received my epidural. After receiving my epidural I started bleeding profusely with each contraction. My doctors then made the decision to perform an emergency cesarean section, they got Ansley out in 15 minutes! I am thankful for each & every one who was involved in my care.

Ansley was born at 9:07p.m., weighing 1 lb, 11 oz. and looked beautiful!!! She is doing well. She is on a ventilator due to being unable to breath on her own. Her vital signs look great, her pulse ox, heart rate, and urine output are super. She was having her arterial blood gases (ABG's) drawn every 6 hours, but they increased it to 8 hours because her levels are great. Also, she had a chest x-ray that looked good and a brain scan (to check for bleeding) that revealed not hing significant. She is no longer on antibiotics because her blood cultures are good. They started feeding her today!! We are blessed to have such a beautiful daughter!! We will keep you posted on her progress :)

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